A big worry is the garlic nematode that may have reached our garlic bed via a purchase of "culinary" garlic I got from a farm in New York and planted without fully understanding the seriousness of the new invader. From what I've read of the nematode it entered NY from Canada and has been spreading throughout the Northeast USA. As the little buggers take several years to establish a destructive population I'm not sure what I should do with the garlic I harvest this year.
I have a new garden, an acre actually, and the plan was to begin planting it with garlic the second year we work it. I had planned to bring my "saved" garlic to the new garden, but now I think I'd best plan on buying certified garlic and just keep growing what I have now in the old garden. I'll rotate the beds of course and watch for signs of nematodes, possibly I'll even try the hot water treatments, but I'm thinking it's best to keep the new garden free of any garlic grown on the East-coast. Including my own!
As I can't do anything about a possible nematode invasion now, nor can I make it rain when I need it, or stop when I really need it to stop, I guess I'll deal with what I can manage, the weeds. And figuring out where I can dry/cure the harvest come mid July! And dreaming of sausages made with GOOD garlic! Not the supermarket, nasty, harsh stuff I'm using now!